Check Assist Florida - Check Recovery and Check Verification
QuoteCheck Assist is a wonderful organization that takes care of problems I don't want to deal with. They are quick and accurate. I love this mindless and timeless way of doing collections.End quote
Ginny Ritenour
Olive Road Animal Hospital
Check Assist Florida Testimonials

Check Conversion

This newer technology allows the merchant to convert a check in an ACH transaction, similar to a debit card withdrawal. This allows you to get your money faster, but it does require additional equipment.

Check conversion has plusses and minuses. The obviously will allow you to get paid quicker, but the process is not foolproof. And as a result of the laws concerning check conversion practices, it is harder to prosecute non-sufficient funds via check conversion than with a physical check.

Contact your Check Assist representative to see if check conversion makes sense for your company.

Check Assist Florida Testimonials